Monday, 28 February 2011

Dear Mr Mazda

Listen, nobody is more pleased than me at your return to stylistic design. I mean, whatever possessed you in the late 90s to replace the gorgeous, svelte 323F with the boxy monstrosity that replaced it will forever remain a mystery. Perhaps Ford had too much influence, but you seem to have left those unpleasant days behind.

Your current line-up is looking good. I'm a little puzzled that I've seen some 6s with standard brake lights instead of LEDs lately - what's that about? But that's a small matter.

I am, though, a little troubled by the latest 5. I applaud you for steering away from the van with windows route (see VW) but I can't help but think that one of your designers allowed their young child into the office one day and let him scribble over the final plans. Those flanks are, shall we say, a little fussy?

I'll forgive you this once, okay? But let's make sure we don't make the same mistake on other new models.

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